There is no golden rule when is comes to creating successfully. You have to find out what works for you. In this episode I will share 10 practical things artist can do to find a steady flow in their creativity and set themselves up for success.
So put down your brushes and pens, grab a cup of coffee and listen in.
This episode is wonderfully practical and doable. Here are a few key insights on how to be a successful artist:
>>[0:10] Picasso was the first living artist to eve...
Finding motivation is part of an Artist’s job description!
Only YOU are the motor behind your creativity and it takes courage to get up, show up and do the work.
Even though you spend many hours in your studio creating you are never alone. You take your past, your friends, your critical sibling, the art world and your own ideas and thoughts with you.
It is a crowded place. It is an art in itself and the challenge for every artist to quie...
Technology, social media and clever marketing dictate the success of many of our modern day artists. While stars like Justin Bieber, Banksy and Beyoncé shine on our international stages....where does this leave the rest of us?
What is the role of the serious artist trying to make a living from our art?
What role do we play in the world today? Is being an artist a real job?
In this second episode of this two part series I will show you how certain myths and misconceptions concerning artists...
'The more we know about our past the better prepared we are for the future.' Theodore Roosevelt
This certainly rings true when it comes to the role of the artist.
In order for us to fully embrace our role and calling as an artist we need to have a better understanding as to how this role has evolved through the centuries.
Maybe you are not into history and were always falling asleep during class then bare with me. You will discover that the role of the artist has been at the heart of ma...
I have designed this special worksheet for you to download. The questions will help you reconnect with your creativity and help you to see like an artist.
Maybe you have asked yourself this question?
Does art really matter?
In this podcast I share stories of how art and art education is changing lives, neighborhood’s and even nations.
Art is more important than we can suspect and removing art from our school curriculum is more detrimental than we think.
Do you find it difficult to express your ‘true’ self?
Do you find it hard to feel good about your art?
Do you struggle to find a steady flow in your creativity?
Chances are you are battling perfectionism.
Perfectionism is ‘the refusal to accept any standard short of perfection’.
I am not a psychologist, but I am a recovering perfectionist, and I have experienced first hand how perfectionism can stifle, block and choke creativity. If you are a creative person, you probably know what I m...
Creative hearts needs to be nurtured and it need supports. It needs support from others. Maybe you and your art received applause from your kindergarten teacher. You remember her smile and the gold star she pasted on your colourful drawing of mom, dad and the household pet. Or maybe your childhood drawings got promoted and nominated to hang on the family fridge.
But somewhere that support stopped. Sibblings would tease you a...
In this first episode artist and podcast host, Sonja Smalheer, tells us her personal story about how art has impacted her life.
She shares how winning an art competition, living with the Navajo Indians and the struggles she experienced during apartheid were all defining moments that catapulted her art career.
She talks about how her love for art took her 6000 km north, from Cape Town, South Africa to The Netherlands where she now works and teaches other arti...
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