What is the best way to sell your art?

How do you win an artist commission?

Is it best to sell your art online or through a gallery?

If you need answers to these questions then this episode is for you.

In Part 2 of my conversation with Leonie E Brown, an award winning South African Fine Artist, Leonie shares more of her valuable insights about making and selling art.

If you missed Part 1 of this episode you can listen to it here

Besides being a working, selling and productive artist, Leonie runs the Life Art School in Cape Town, South Africa.

Her heart is to train artists and many of her students have left her school to become full-time successful artists.

In this episode you will discover:

  • How Leonie won and worked on a large art commision,
  • The key to working successfully with galleries,
  • What she loves most about being an artist,
  • What she absolutely dislikes about being an artist,
  • Why art is important in education and the world around us,
  • What makes her art school and teaching style so unique,
  • Which present and past day artists inspire her,
  • Her views on African art and what we can learn from it,
  • And more about her life and art vision.

This episode comes with a Free ARTIST RESOURCE. This resource relays 5 principles that successful artists apply to their art and art business.

Click here to access the Artist Success Guide.


More about Leonie


Seeking the Light Part 1
Seeking the Light Part 2

Check out her amazing website, school and social media channels 

SOFTWARE Used by Leonie

Administration - Wave

Invoicing - Shopific

Website - Wordpress

Books Leonie is currently reading

  1. Bible
  2. Steal Like an Artist - Auston Kleon
  3. Scratch: Writers, Money and the Art of Making a Living - Manjula Martin
  4. The war of Art - Steven Pressfield
  5. Approval Addiction - Joyce Meyer
  6. Screwtape Letters - CS Lewis
  7. The History of Art 

 Artists that inspire Leonie

If you missed Part 1 of this episode you can listen to it here


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